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Nutri-Fact Category
Dairy and egg products
Spices and herbs
Baby foods
Fats and oils
Poultry products
Soups, sauces, and gravies"
Sausages and luncheon meats
Breakfast cereals
Fruits and fruit juices
Pork products
Vegetables and vegetable products
Nut and seed products
Beef products
Finfish and shellfish products
Legumes and legume products
Lamb, veal, and game products"
Baked products
Cereal grains and pasta
Fast foods
Meals, entrees, and sidedishes"
American indian/alaska native foods
Restaurant foods
This is my family's favorite way to fix potatoes. my mom used to make with steaks and a salad. delicious!
Ground beef is a staple in our kitchen and bakes up very tasty in this great casserole when topped with the cheesy mashed potatoes.
Tasty chicken. and it goes perfectly with this delicious salad.
Try this garlic prawns recipe, or contribute your own.
Try this chestnut stuffing recipe, or contribute your own.
Portuguese hot sauce, very hot and very good to marinate chicken wings or any other meat.
A chocolate mint frosting tops brownie-like cookies. great for the holidays.
Quick and easy, rich cookie bars. it's one of my daughter's favorites.
Thanksgiving meal must!