I screwed up the instructions and it was better. ...so feel free to mess my instructions up too!
The flavor combos in this dish are so profound they make a salad course into a main course.
Try this broccoli beef pie recipe, or contribute your own. "totest" and "crs" are two of the tags cooks chose for broccoli beef pie.
Try this eggs benedict with smoked salmon recipe, or contribute your own.
Try this dees corn souffle recipe, or contribute your own. "cream" and "butter" are two of the tags cooks chose for dees corn souffle.
Feeds 12 (large serving sizes) or 16 for moderate serving size
Perfect picnic fruit salad
Try this basic muffin mix recipe, or contribute your own.
Delicious with roast pork or poultry. ..also great by themselves as little hors doevres