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Papa Ricardos Spaghetti Sauce recipe
Russian Tea Cakes snowballs recipe
Vichyssoise cold Potato Soup recipe


Also known as himalayan aromatic leaf garlic, jimbu is a dried aromatic herb that is virtually unknown outside the himalayan region. The herb looks like dry brownish-green grass and has a distinct flavor somewhat similar to garlic and shallots.
It is found wild throughout many regions of nepal. The leaves and tender stems are carefully picked and dried, which weakens the flavor, but this is reversed by browning in hot oil until fully fragrant.
Nepalese have a remarkable fondness for this herb and they use it as a tempering spice to flavor daals, vegetables, salads, and pickles. Allium hypsistum, commonly known as jimbu, is an herb that is used extensively in some regions of nepal. The herb, which has a taste in between onion and chives, is most commonly used dried.
In mustang it is use to flavor vegetables, pickles, meat. In the rest of nepal it is most commonly used to flavor urad dal or lentils. The dried leaves are fried in ghee to develop their flavor.

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