Health Benefits of Ladies mantle Medicinal uses of Ladies mantle Easy-
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It is a beautiful plant, common in gravelly fields, and by road sides. It has many beautiful broad roundish leaves, divided into eight parts, each prettily indented at the edges. They are of a yellowish green colour, nearly as broad as the palm of the hand. They look plaited at first, and then a little crumpled, a little hairy, as is the stalk also.
The stalks are round, eight inches long, or more, not very upright, and of a pale green colour. The flowers stand abundantly at the top, and they are white, proceeding from small yellowish green heads. The root is long, thick, and dark coloured. It flowers in may and june.
Ladies-mantle is very proper for inflamed wounds, and is very effectual to stay bleeding, vomitings, fluxes of all sorts, bruises, and it relieves ruptures. Some females apply the leaves to enlarged breasts, in order to reduce them, and give them their proper form. As a decoction it is useful in conception, by its retentive influence.
It is a most valuable wound herb; highly prized by the germans, who use it in all inward and outward wounds. They drink the decoction, and wash the wounds with it, and it effectually heals them. The herb and the root powdered, is good for violent purgings.

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