Health Benefits of True love Medicinal uses of True love Beef-
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It is also called herb-paris, and four-leaved true-love. It has a small creeping root, like couch-grass root, but not so white, shooting forth stalks with leaves, some bearing berries, and others not; every stalk is smooth, without joints, and blackish green, rising half a foot high, if it bears berries, otherwise seldom so high, bearing at the top four leaves one against another, like a cross or ribband tied (as in a true-lover's knot) which are each of them apart like a night-shade leaf, but rather broader, having three, five, or six leaves.
In the middle of the four leaves rises up a small slender stalk, an inch high, hearing at the top one flower spread like a star, consisting of four small and long narrow- pointed leaves of a yellowish green colour, and four less lying between them; in the middle of which stands a round dark purplish button or head, compassed about with eight small yellow mealy threads with three colours, making it the more conspicuous, and lovely to behold. This button or head in the middle, becomes a blackish purple berry, full of juice, about the size of a grape, having within it many white seeds.
It grows in woods and copses, and sometimes in the corners or borders of fields, and waste grounds. They spring up in april or may and flower soon after. The berries are ripe in the end of may, or in the beginning of june.
The leaves or berries hereof are effectual to expel poison, especially that of the aconite. The roots in powder taken in wine relieve the colic. The leaves are very effectual for green wounds, and to cleanse and heal old sores and ulcers; and to disperse old tumours and swellings in the private parts, the groin, and to allay inflammations. The juice of the leaves cures felons, and heals or sores about the nails of the hands or feet. Children should not be allowed to eat the berries.

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