Great recipe for Truly Delicious!
New Year's Osechi - Chicken with
Vegetables. I made this chikuzenni
dish using light soy sauce for a
recipe contest. I've added
koya-dofu to this recipe to
compensate for the small amount of
meat. I'm not overly fond of meaty
dishes, but think the taste of meat
is indispensable. Great recipe for
Truly Delicious! New Year's Osechi
- Chicken with Vegetables. I made
this chikuzenni dish using light
soy sauce for a recipe contest.
I've added koya-dofu to this recipe
to compensate for the small amount
of meat. I'm not overly fond of
meaty dishes, but think the taste
of meat is indispensable. The key
to this recipe is cooking every
step confidently over high heat.
For 4 servings.