LateChef LateChef

Papa Ricardos Spaghetti Sauce recipe
Russian Tea Cakes snowballs recipe
Vichyssoise cold Potato Soup recipe

Georgian Recipe


Serves 4
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Great recipe for Inari Sushi with Burdock Root. Inari sushi is delicious, isn't it? You can make them just with regular sushi rice but I prefer the texture of the burdock roots so I add a lot of them in. Great recipe for Inari Sushi with Burdock Root. Inari sushi is delicious, isn't it? You can make them just with regular sushi rice but I prefer the texture of the burdock roots so I add a lot of them in. I shaved the burdock roots when I made this for first time, but it was a bit difficult to fit them in the aburaage tofu skins, so I chopped them up this time. It takes more time to cook when it's chopped rather than shaved, so simmer it slowly.
